

Observing Our Oceans: Understanding Our World and Creating Our Future

Kingsport, Tennessee

In June, Eastern Edge will be travelling to Kingsport, Tennessee

Coast Pioneer Array: Relocating ocean observing assets to answer pressing science questions and gather data

  • “Trigger” the release of the multi-function node's recovery float
  • Visually determine failed deployment of recovery float
  • Pull pin to release recovery float to the surface
  • Return the recovery float to the surface, side of the pool
  • Connect a recovery line to the bale on the multi-function node for ship recovery
  • Manually return the multi-function node to the surface, side of the pool
  • SMART Cables for Ocean Observing: 'Undersea cables connect the planet - What if they could help save it?'

  • Deploy SMART cable through waypoints
  • Place SMART repeater in the designated area
  • Return SMART cable end to surface, side of the pool
  • Measure temperature to verify SMART cable sensor readings
  • Connect AUV docking station power to SMART cable
  • From the Red Sea to Tennessee: Understanding ecosystems and saving species

  • Place probiotic irrigation system in designated location
  • Deploy probiotic sprinkler on coral head
  • Activate the irrigation system
  • Transplant branching coral
  • Transplant brain coral
  • Create a scaled 3D image of the coral restoration area
  • Determine location of sturgeon spawning grounds
  • ROV Beaumont

    Beaumont is named in memory of the battle of Beaumont-Hamel during the First World War.


    9th Place



    UN Decade of the Ocean: Diving in to Inspire Solutions Because Together Opportunity Runs Deep.

    Longmont, Colorado

    Most recently, Eastern Edge traveled to Longmont, Colorado. The theme, UN Decade of the Ocean: Diving in to Inspire Solutions Because Together Oppertunity Runs Deep, focused on achieving a better and more sustainable future for all and the environmental, social, and governance factors that more and more companies and organizations are taking into consideration when making business and management decisions.

    Marine Renewable Energy

  • Install a floating solar panel array
  • Remove biofouling from the foundation and mooring lines of floating wind turbines
  • Pilot into “resident ROV” docking station
  • Healthy Environments from the Mountains to the Sea

  • Create a 3D model of a coral head
  • Identify reef organisms using eDNA
  • Administer Rx to diseased corals
  • Monitor and protect seagrass habitat
  • Reintroduce endangered native Northern Redbelly Dace
  • Ensure the health and safety of Dillon Reservoir
  • Monitor endangered Lake Titicaca giant frogs
  • MATE Floats!

  • Design and construct an operational vertical profiling float
  • Float communicates with the mission station prior to descending
  • Float completes two vertical profiles
  • ROV Caribou

    Caribou was named after and in the memory of the SS Caribou, a passenger and train ferry that operated in the Cabot Strait between Port aux Basques, Newfoundland and North Sydney, Nova Scotia. On 14 October 1942, the German submarine U-69 sank the vessel, causing the worst loss of life in Canadian waters during the Second World War.


    11th Place


    1st Place

    Engineering Presentation

    1st Place

    Marketing Display


    UN Decade of the Ocean: MATE Inspires ESG

    Long Beach, California

    In 2022, Eastern Edge travelled to Long Beach, California. The theme, UN Decade of the Ocean: MATE Inspires ESG, focused on supporting efforts to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and to gather the global community behind a common goal: creating improved conditions for sustainable use and development of our world ocean. Eastern Edge was within the top three teams, placing 3rd out of 20 competing teams from around the world.

    Marine Renewable Energy

  • Replace a damaged section of an inter-array power cable
  • Replace a damaged buoyancy module on an inter-array cable of a floating offshore wind turbine
  • Monitor the environment
  • Pilot into “resident ROV” docking station
  • Offshore Aquaculture and Blue Carbon

  • Inspect an offshore aquaculture fish pen
  • Maintain a healthy environment for fish stock
  • Measure fish size
  • Farm seagrass
  • The Antarctic Then and Now – Endurance22 and MATE Floats!

  • Recover a GO-BGC float to conduct diagnostics
  • Design and construct an operational vertical profiling float
  • Find and map the location of the Endurance
  • Create a photomosaic of the wreck
  • Measure the length of the wreck
  • ROV Happy Adventure

    Happy Adventure, or Happy for short, was named after the vessel commanded by the legendary Newfoundland Pirate Peter Easton.


    3rd Place


    1st Place

    Engineering Presentation


    Innovations for Inshore: ROV Operations in Rivers, Lakes, and Dams

    Kingsport, Tennessee

    In 2019, Eastern Edge travelled to Kingsport, Tennessee. The theme, Innovations for Inshore: ROV Operations in Rivers, Lakes, and Dams, focused on ensuring public safety, dam inspection and repair, maintaining healthy waterways, preserving history, and explored how ROVs can be used in these fields. Eastern Edge was within the top ten teams, placing 10th out of 25 competing teams from around the world.

    Ensuring Public Safety – Dam Inspection and Repair

  • Inspecting the foundation of the dam
  • Inserting grout into the voids underneath the dam
  • Inspecting and repairing a trash rack
  • Deploying a secondary micro-ROV to inspect a drain pipe for possible dam failure
  • Maintaining Healthy Waterways

  • Measuring the water temperature
  • Measuring the pH of a sample
  • Determining habitat diversity by examining benthic species underneath a rock
  • Recording collected data on a data sheet
  • Transporting and releasing trout fry
  • Removing a degraded rubber tire
  • Installing a new fish/reef ball
  • Preserving History

  • Determining the lift capability of the ROV
  • Measuring the cannon and calculating the volume of the cannon
  • Finding the cannon’s casting mark to determine its composition
  • Determining if the ROV has enough force to lift the cannon
  • Lifting the cannon to the surface, side of the pool
  • Identifying and marking the location of cannon shells on the bottom
  • ROV Calypso

    Calypso was named after the training vessel used by the Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve before and during the First World War.


    10th Place


    1st Place

    Marketing Display


    Jet City

    Federal Way, Washington

    In 2018, Eastern Edge travelled to Federal Way, Washington. The theme, Jet City, focused on underwater archaeology, seismology, and renewable energy, and explored how ROVs can be used in these fields. Eastern Edge was within the top ten teams, placing 8th out of 28 competing teams from around the world.


  • Use flight data to determine the search zone for the wreckage
  • Identify the aircraft using the tail section
  • Remove debris from the engine using a lift bag
  • Return the engine to surface using a lift bag
  • Return all lift bags to the surface side of the pool
  • Earthquakes

  • Prior to the competition, develop a inductive coupling connector capable of providing power at 5 volts, 1 amp, 5 watts to an ocean bottom seismometer (OBS).
  • Insert the power connector into the port on the OBS
  • Prior to the competition, develop a device capable of receiving WiFi data
  • Level the OBS using data transmitted via WiFi
  • Receive and accurately display a seismograph data transmitted by the OBS via WiFi
  • Energy

  • Use tidal data and nautical charts to determine the optimum region for a tidal turbine and calculate the maximum possible megawatt generation at this location
  • Install a tidal turbine in the optimum location
  • Install an Intelligent Adaptable Monitoring Package (I-AMP) to monitor area
  • Place a mooring a given distance from the base of the tidal turbine
  • Suspend an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) at a given height on the mooring line
  • ROV Florizel

    Florizel, or Flo for short was named in honour of the 100th anniversary of the S.S. Florizel, a passenger ship which tragically sunk off the coast of Newfoundland in 1918.


    8th Place



    Port Cities of the Future

    Long Beach, California

    In 2017, Eastern Edge travelled to Long Beach, California. The theme, Port Cities of the Future, was focused on commerce, entertainment, health and safety. This explored how ROVs can be used to enforce health and safety as well as innovate towards the future. Eastern Edge placed 5th out of 25 teams around the world.


  • Insert two rebar reinforcement rods into position in the steel baseplate
  • Install the frame onto the baseplate
  • Remove a pin to release the chains holding the frame
  • Transport and positioning the hose for pouring concrete into the frame
  • Retrieve the three positioning beacons and returning them to the surface
  • Entertainment

  • Disconnect the power cable from the platform
  • Turn the valve to stop the flow of water to the platform
  • Disengage the locking mechanism at the base of the fountain
  • Remove the old fountain
  • Install the new fountain
  • Re-engage the locking mechanism at the base of the fountain
  • Turn the valve to restore the flow of water to the platform
  • Reconnect the power cable to the platform
  • Return the old fountain to the surface, side of the pool
  • Health & Safety

  • Using a simulated Raman spectrometer, determine if the contaminants are present in two areas
  • Collect samples from the contaminated area
  • Place a cap over the contaminated area
  • Locate the four cargo containers
  • Determine the contents and risk level of each container
  • Attach a buoy marker to the U-bolt on the container with the highest-risk cargo
  • Determine the direction and distance, within 10 cm, from the highest-risk container to the other three containers
  • Using the distance and direction, make a survey map of the incident site
  • ROV Vimy

    Vimy is named after the Battle of Vimy Ridge during World War One, a battle that Newfoundland had a significant role in.


    5th Place



    From the Gulf of Mexico to Jupiter's Moon Europa: ROV Encounters in Inner and Outer Space

    NASA Neutral Buoyancy Lab, Houston, Texas

    In 2016, Eastern Edge travelled to NASAs Neutral Buoyancy Lab in Houston, Texas. The theme, From the Gulf of Mexico to Jupiter's Moon Europa: ROV Encounters in Inner and Outer Space, focused around performing tasks in a space setting. Eastern Edge were International Champions this year, placing 1st out of 31 teams from around the world.

    Mission to Europa

  • Insert the temperature sensor into the venting fluid
  • Measure the temperature of the venting fluid
  • Determine the thickness of the ice crust using the pressure measurements
  • Determine the depth of the ocean under the ice using pressure measurements
  • Connecting the ESP to the power and communications hub
  • Mission-Critical Equipment Recovery and Forensic Fingerprinting

  • Find and identify the serial numbers of the four mission-critical CubeSats
  • Recover the four mission-critical CubeSats and placing them in a collection basket
  • Collect one sample of two oil mats on the seafloor
  • Return the samples to the surface
  • Analyse the gas chromatograph of each sample to determine the oil's origin
  • Deepwater Coral Study and Rigs to Reefs

  • Photograph two coral colonies
  • Compare the photos to photos from previous years to assess their condition
  • Collect and returning two coral samples to the surface
  • Install a flange to the top of the wellhead
  • Secure the flange to the wellhead with two bolts
  • Install a wellhead cap over the flange
  • Secure the cap to the flange with four bolts
  • ROV Blue-Puttee

    Blue-Puttee is named after the Blue Puttees, the first 500 Newfoundlanders to be recruited in the First World War. They were named this because of the non-standard leg gear they wore due to a shortage of khaki fabric on the island


    1st Place


    1st Place

    Product Demonstration


    ROVs in Extreme Environments: Science and Industry In the Arctic

    St. John’s, Newfoundland

    In 2015, Eastern Edge stayed home in St. John's, Newfoundland. The theme, ROVs in Extreme Environments: Science and Industry In the Arctic, focused on polar science and the offshore oil and gas industry. Eastern Edge placed 2nd out of 31 teams from across the world.

    Science Under The Ice

  • Maneuvering through a 75cm x 75cm hole in the ice
  • Collecting a sample of algae from the underside of the ice sheet
  • Collecting an urchin located on the seafloor
  • Using a species identification handbook to identify and count species of sea star
  • Deploying a passive acoustic sensor in a designated area
  • Measuring the dimensions of an iceberg and calculate its volume
  • Using coordinates to map the location of the iceberg
  • Using the location, heading, and keel depth to determine the threat level of the iceberg to area oil platforms
  • Subsea Pipeline Inspection & Repair

  • Conducting a CVI (close visual inspection) of an oil pipeline for corrosion
  • Turning a valve to stop the flow of oil through the pipeline
  • Examining a gauge dial to determine that the pipeline oil pressure is zero
  • Measuring the length of the section of corroded pipeline
  • Attaching a lift line to the corroded section
  • Cutting (simulated) the section of corroded pipeline
  • Removing the section of corroded pipeline and return it to the surface
  • Installing and securing an adapter flange over both cut ends of the pipeline
  • Installing a gasket into a wellhead
  • Inserting a hot stab to simulate injecting corrosion prohibiter into the wellhead
  • Offshore Oilfield Production and Maintenance

  • Testing the grounding of anodes by measuring the voltage of specified points along the leg of an oil platform
  • Determining which anode(s) is not properly grounded
  • Measuring the height and length of a wellhead from the seafloor to determine the angle that it emerges from the seafloor
  • Using a map to determine the pathways of flow through a pipeline system
  • Turning valves to ensure that oil will flow through the specified pathway
  • Moving water through the pipeline system to verify that oil will flow through the correct pathway
  • Determining the average flow rate of the water current
  • ROV Old Polina

    Old Polina is named after a traditional Newfoundland folk song, based on the whaling ship Polynia.


    2nd Place


    1st Place

    Marketing Display


    Exploring the Great Lakes: Shipwrecks, Sinkholes, and Conservation in the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

    Alpena, Michigan

    In 2014, Eastern Edge travelled to Alpena, Michigan. The theme, Exploring the Great Lakes: Shipwrecks, Sinkholes, and Conservation in the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, focused on documenting and identifying an unknown shipwreck discovered in sanctuary waters. Eastern Edge placed 15th out of 31 teams from across the world.


  • Determining the length, width, and height of the shipwreck
  • Correctly “scanning” the ship at three target locations
  • Creating a photomosaic from five distinct images
  • Determining the type of ship
  • Determining the shipwreck’s cargo
  • Entering the shipwreck through the 75 cm x 75 cm hole
  • Locating and determining the date the ship was built
  • Recovering a ceramic dinner plate from inside the shipwreck
  • Identifying the shipwreck using the four known features
  • Science

  • Measuring the conductivity of the groundwater
  • Retrieving a sample of a microbial mat
  • Recovering the old sensor string with replacing it with a new one
  • Estimating the number of zebra mussels on the wreck
  • Conservation

  • Removing two bottles
  • Removing the anchor line rope
  • Removing the Danforth anchor and chain
  • ROV Keto


    15th Place



    Ocean Observing Systems: Launching a New Era of Ocean Science & Discovery

    Seattle, Washington

    In 2013, Eastern Edge travelled to Seattle, Washington. The theme, Ocean Observing Systems: Launching a New Era of Ocean Science & Discovery, focused on highlighting the role that ROVs play in the installation, operation, and maintenance of regional cabled ocean observing systems. Eastern Edge placed 2nd out of 24 teams from across the world.

    Complete a Primary Node and Install a Secondary Node on the Seafloor

  • Transferring the SIA to the seafloor
  • Installing the SIA so that it rests completely within the BIA
  • Removing the CTA from the seafloor
  • Inserting the CTA into the bulkhead connector on the BIA
  • Pulling the pin to release the secondary node from the elevator
  • Removing the secondary node from the elevator
  • Measuring distance to find the designated location
  • Installing the secondary node in the designated location on the seafloor
  • Adjusting the legs to level the secondary node
  • Opening the door of the BIA
  • Removing the secondary node cable connector from the elevator
  • Inserting the secondary node cable connector into the bulkhead connector on the SIA
  • Design, Construct, and Install a Transmissometer to Measure Turbidity Over Time

  • Designing and constructing an optical beam transmissometer prior to the competition
  • Installing the transmissometer in the vent field to monitor the opacity through the medium
  • Detecting the relative changes in opacity
  • Detecting the relative changes in opacity over five minutes
  • Replace an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) on a Water Column Mooring Platform.

  • Disconnecting power to the platform
  • Turning the handle to unlock the hatch
  • Opening the hatch
  • Removing the ADCP from the mooring platform
  • Installing the new ADCP into the mooring platform
  • Closing the hatch
  • Turning the handle to lock the hatch
  • Reconnecting power to the platform
  • ROV Rock Lobster

    Redesigned Observatory Connecting and Kommissioning Length Obtaining Bio-unfouling Stabilizing Tool Employing ROV


    2nd Place



    Diving Into History: The Role of ROVs in Exploring WWII Shipwrecks

    Orlando, Florida

    In 2012, Eastern Edge travelled to Orlando, Florida. The theme, Diving Into History: The Role of ROVs in Exploring WWII Shipwrecks, focused on highlighting how ROVs are assessing WWII shipwrecks and the possible hazards that they may contain. Eastern Edge competed against 22 teams from across the world.

    Survey the Shipwreck Site

  • Measure the overall length of the ship
  • Determine the orientation of the ship on the seafloor
  • Create a map of the wreck site
  • Determine if debris files are metal or non-metal
  • Scan the shipwreck with sonar
  • Remove Fuel Oil from the Shipwreck

  • Transport and attach a lift bag to a fallen mast
  • Inflate the lift bag to remove the fallen mast from the worksite
  • Remove endangered encrusting coral from the ship’s hull
  • Transplant the coral
  • Using two simulated sensors, determine if fuel oil remains inside the fuel tank
  • Remove a sample of fuel oil from within the tank by drilling a hole into the hull
  • Reseal the hole
  • Return the sample to the surface
  • ROV Rock Lobster

    Revolutionary Oil and Coral Kollecting, Length Observing, Bi-directional Spar-Toting Eco ROV


    4th Place


    1st Place

    Technical Report


    ROVs and the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry: Highlighting the Challenges ROVs Faced During the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

    Houston, Texas

    In 2011, Eastern Edge travelled to Houston, Texas. The theme, ROVs and the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry, focused on highlighting the challenges ROVs faced during the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. This explored highlighting the role that ROVs play in the installation, operation, and maintenance of regional cabled ocean observing systems. Eastern Edge competed against 25 teams from across the world.

    Remove the Damaged Riser Pipe

    Cap the Oil Well

    Collect Water Samples and Measure Depth

    Collect Biological Samples

    ROV Atlantic Blue

    Atlantic Blue was named after the Ron Hynes song of the same name about the ocean ranger tragedy. The ocean ranger had many newfoundlanders on board and as such was a profound loss for the province and had a tremendoues impact on our culture.


    Unknown Place


    1st Place

    Marketing Display

    1st Place

    Safety Award


    ROVs in Treacherous Terrain: Science, Erupts on Loihi, Hawai'i's Undersea Volcano

    The Big Island of Hawaii

    In 2010, Eastern Edge travelled to The Big Island of Hawaii. The theme, ROVs in Treacherous Terrain: Science Erupts on Loihi, Hawaii’s Undersea Volcano, focuses on the Loihi seamount, an active undersea volcano that rises more than 3,000 meters above the seafloor. The mission tasks challenge teams to deploy instruments, take sensor readings, plot data, and collect samples of geologic features as well as organisms that inhabit the volcano’s flanks. Eastern Edge placed 3rd out of 27 teams from across the world.

    Resurrect HUGO

  • Removing pins to release the HRH from the elevator
  • Removing the HRH from the elevator
  • Identifying which of three potential sites is rumbling (generating sound)
  • Installing the HRH within a 0.5m by 0.5m square at the site that is rumbling
  • Removing the cap from the port on the HUGO junction box
  • Retrieving the HRH power/communications connector from its holder on the elevator
  • Inserting the HRH power/communications connector into the port on the HUGO junction box
  • Collect Samples of a New Species of Crustacean

  • Entering the cave
  • Maneuvering to the back wall of the cave
  • Collecting up to three samples of crustacean
  • Maneuvering out of the cave
  • Returning the samples to the surface
  • Sample a New Vent Site

  • Measuring the temperature of the venting fluid at three different locations along height the chimney
  • Creating a graph of the temperature data versus chimney height
  • Collecting a sample of a vent spire
  • Returning the sample of the vent spire to the surface
  • ROV Tuzo

    Tuzo was named after John Tuzo Wilson, one of the most imaginative earth scientists of his time, and widely regarded as the father of academic geophysics in Canada. One of his most significant contributions to the field was his proposed explanation of the origin of the Hawaiian islands during his research on plate tectonics.


    3rd Place


    1st Place

    Engineering Presentation

    1st Place

    Technical Report

    Justin Higdon Place

    Presentation MVP


    ROVs: The Next Generation of Submarine Rescue Vehicles

    Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts

    In 2009, Eastern Edge travelled to Buzzard's Bay, Massachusetts. The theme, ROVs: The Next Generation of Submarine Rescue Vehicles, focused on exploring how ROVs can be utilized for the future of submarine rescue systems. Eastern Edge competed against 27 teams from across the world.

    Survey and inspect the submarine for damage

  • Descend to the submarine
  • Pilot your ROV around the complete perimeter of the submarine
  • Locate a damage point on your video monitor(s)
  • Pod Posting

  • Turn the hand wheel to unlock the hatch
  • Open the hatch
  • Remove an ELSS transfer pod from the carousel assembly
  • Insert the pod into the escape tower
  • Close the hatch
  • Turn the hand wheel to lock the hatch
  • Ventilation

  • Transport the airline to the submarine
  • Open the hatch
  • Insert the airline into the inlet valve connection
  • Open the valve to allow the flow of air
  • Close the valve to stop the flow of air
  • Remove the airline from the inlet valve connection
  • Close the hatch
  • Return the airline to the surface
  • RORV

  • Build and incorporating a transfer skirt into the ROV
  • Mate the transfer skirt to the escape hatch and holding position
  • Undock the transfer skirt from escape hatch
  • ROV Chimaera

    Chimaera is named after a rare, deep-water, distant shark cousin that can be found off the coast of Newfoundland.


    Unknown Place



    Diving to the Deep: Uncovering Mysteries of Mid-Ocean Ridges

    San Diego, California

    In 2008, Eastern Edge travelled to San Diego, California. The theme, Diving to the Deep: Uncovering Mysteries of Mid-Ocean Ridges, focused on collecting and studying hydrothermal vent fluid released from the seafloor. Eastern Edge were International Champions this year, placing 1st out of 27 teams from around the world.

    Free an OBS from the Seafloor

  • Remove Pieces of Lava from the OBS
  • Free the OBS so that it floats to and breaks the water surface
  • Collect up to 3 Samples of Lava

  • Collect lava samples and return them to the surface
  • Measure the Temperature of Hydrothermal Vent Fluid

  • Locate the hydrothermal vent
  • Insert a temperature sensor into the venting fluid
  • Measure the temperature of the venting fluid and displaying the reading on a video monitor or as a read-out at the control shack
  • ROV Pontus


    1st Place


    1st Place

    Technical Report

    1st Place

    Engineering Presentation


    Celebrating the Polar Year: Science & Technology Under the Ice

    St. John's, Newfoundland

    In 2007, Eastern Edge stayed home in St. John's, Newfoundland. In recognition of the International Polar Year (IPY), the 2007 international ROV competition challenged students to design and build ROVs for operation in polar environments. The competition also challenged students to increase their understanding of the Polar Regions and how these regions impact – and are being impacted by – our global climate. Eastern Edge placed 2nd out of 19 teams from across the world.

    Thread a Messenger Line Through the Buoy Anchor Ring and Return the Messenger Line to the Surface

  • Transporting the messenger line to the buoy anchor
  • Threading the messenger line through the buoy anchor ring
  • Returning the messenger line to the surface
  • Study Marine Life on the Underside of the Ice Tank

  • Collect one benthic jellyfish
  • Collect one sample of algae
  • Deploy a passive acoustic sensor (PAC)
  • Install a Gasket in the Wellhead and Inject Corrosion Prohibiter into the Wellhead’s Protective Cover

  • Transporting the gasket to the wellhead
  • Removing the wellhead’s protective cover
  • Installing the gasket into the wellhead
  • Replacing the wellhead’s protective cover
  • Transporting the hot stab to the wellhead
  • Inserting the hot stab into the port on the wellhead
  • Removing the hot stab from port on the wellhead
  • Returning the hot stab to the surface
  • ROV Bartlett

    Bartlett is named after one of the most famous polar explorers of the 20th century, Captain Robert (Bob) Bartlett, who was born and raised in Newfoundland.


    2nd Place


    1st Place

    Marketing Display


    Ocean Observing Systems: Tools for Tomorrow's Science & Technology Workforce

    Houston, Texas

    Opilio featured crab-like characteristics from its trapezoidal shape to its ability to achieve sway motion. The snow crab, also referred to as the queen crab, has the Latin name Chionoecetes Opilio. Opilio means ‘shepherd’ who, in a traditional sense, would watch over a flock. As 2006's competition is about “Ocean Observing Systems,” it was decided that the name “Opilio” was well suited.

    Complete the Central Node

  • Transporting the electronics module from the surface to the frame
  • Placing the electronics module in the frame
  • Opening the door of the trawl-resistant frame adjacent to the submarine cable
  • Retrieving the submarine power/communications cable connector from the seafloor
  • Inserting the connector into the appropriately labeled open port on the electronics module
  • Lay Instrument Cable Through Assigned Waypoints and Connect it to the Central Node

  • Retrieving the instrument cable connector with its attached cable from the seafloor
  • Laying the cable through 4 waypoints
  • Inserting the instrument cable connector into the appropriately labeled open port on the electronics module
  • ROV Opilio

    Opilio featured crab-like characteristics from its trapezoidal shape to its ability to achieve sway motion. The snow crab, also referred to as the queen crab, has the Latin name Chionoecetes Opilio. Opilio means ‘shepherd’ who, in a traditional sense, would watch over a flock. As 2006's competition is about “Ocean Observing Systems,” it was decided that the name “Opilio” was well suited.


    1st Place


    1st Place

    Product Demonstration


    From the Depths of the Oceans to the Far Reaches of Outer Space

    Houston, Texas

    The theme, From the Depths of the Oceans to the Far Reaches of Outer Space, focused on simulating the exploration and research conducted on the unexplored terrain of Europa, one of Jupiter’s four largest moons. Eastern Edge placed 2nd out of 23 teams in the world.

    Re-establish the communications link to a science package

    Retrieve data probes located within a drawer on a science package

    Collect a sample of red fluid from a crevice

    Measuring the temperature of venting fluid

    ROV Galileo

    Galileo is named after the scientist Galileo, who is credited with the discovery of Jupiter’s four largest moons, one of which is Europa. Secondly, the spacecraft Galileo orbited Jupiter, partially focusing on Europa.


    2nd Place



    NOAA's National Marine Sanctuary Program: The Adventure of Mystery Reef

    Santa Barbara, California

    In 2004, Eastern Edge (Known in 2004 as Avalon East School District) travelled to Santa Barbara, California. The theme, NOAA's National Marine Sanctuary Program: The Adventure of Mystery Reef, focused on the excitement and challenges of sanctuary science and exploration. Eastern Edge placed 2nd out of 23 teams from across the world.

    Measure depth

    Measure the temperature of cold-water spring

    Sample the fluid from the leaking barrel

    Find and recover the U-boat captain’s bell

    Find and recover the lost towfish

    Measure the length of the U-boat

    Find and recover the pinger

    ROV WolfHenn 157


    2nd Place



    Lost on the Titanic: Rusticles or Bust

    Cambridge, Massachusetts

    In 2003, Eastern Edge (Known in 2003 as Avalon East School District) travelled to Cambridge, Massachusetts.

    ROV Rakish Rover


    3rd Place
